Uttar Pradesh Chief minister Mr.Yogi Adityanath has introduced a new scheme named Uttar Pradesh card for labourers and workers. Through the Uttar Pradesh labour registration scheme, the up state government will provide an opportunity to all the working class to have registered and the state government will deliver the benefit of all government schemes to the workers who are registering their name in the list of labour registration Schemes.
On the other hand, all candidates who wish to apply online then they can download official notification and read all necessary aspects carefully. We have shared this information regarding Uttar Pradesh shramik panjikaran 2022 such as scheme benefits,eligibility criteria, key features of the scheme,application status, application process and many more
UP Shramik Majdur Card Online
The condition of the international workers act 1979 gives all kinds of protection to migrant workers as well as social workers. At the district level, the Labour department will deliver benefits under different kinds of schemes to migrant workers with numerous Schemes. The Department prescribed the formalities of the records.
UP Labour Registration
Department | Labour Department, UP |
Registration Mode | Online |
Who Can Register | UP Labourer’s |
State | Uttar Pradesh |
Last Date | No Last Date |
The Labour department will provide 17 free benefits to the migrant workers. They can visit the Labour Department office in the city of Madya to register themselves. If you want, you will register online with the relevant information at your nearest public service centre.
Registration fees will be of rupees 20 and annual contribution fees of rupees 20. These amounts will have to be deposited at the public service centre.
Working class people can get the benefit of the below mentioned 17 Government Schemes-
- Meritorious student award Scheme.
- Child benefit Scheme.
- Construction workers help Scheme.
- Construction workers food assistance Scheme.
- Maternity Benefit Scheme.
- Ravidas Education Assistance Scheme.
- Skill development technical plan.
- Residential school Scheme.
- Tire energy Assistance Scheme.
- Medical facility Scheme.
- Female wedding planning.
- Housing Assistance Scheme.
- Critical illness Assistance Scheme.
- Disability Pension Scheme.
- Pension assistance Scheme.
- Construction worker death and disability assistance Scheme.
- Construction worker last plan
There are many registered workers. Some of the workers are as follows-
- Building workers.
- Well diggers.
- Thatch filters.
- Carpenter.
- Raj Mistri.
- Blacksmith.
- The plumber.
- Road builders.
- Electric ones.
- Paint showers.
- Runner- up.
- Mosaic polish.
- Rock breakers.
- Janitor.
- Stone breakers.
- Accountant.
- Dam Manager,workers under construction.
- Window grills and door mounting and installation.
- The makers of IT at IT kilns.
- Cement, stone tillers.
- Choosers.
Eligibility criteria:-
- Uttar Pradesh permanent residents can apply for the scheme.
- Age Limit of the applicants must be between 18 years to 60 years.
- Workers have worked as construction workers in the last 12 months.
- Labour cards are created in the name of the head of the family for labour registration.
Necessary documents to apply online:-
- Aadhar card
- Ration card
- Voter ID card
- Bhamashah card
- Bank details
- Mobile number
- Passport size photograph
- Identity card of all family members.
How to apply online Uttar Pradesh shramik panjikaran majdur form?
If you want to apply online, you need to follow the following step by step guidelines mentioned below-
- Firstly, anyone can visit the official website of the Uttar Pradesh shramik panjikaran majdur scheme.
- Now you can press on the link online registration and renewal.
- After that, you will see the “labour act management system” on the homepage of the website in front of you on the screen.
- Now you can select your language, if you wish to see in Hindi, then you can select Hindi language.
- You will have to read all instructions carefully which you have seen on the website page.
- If you want to use the portal, you will get the membership of the portal.
- If you are a new user, you need to tap on the “register now” button then hit on the new registration.
- Then, you will have to make a user id and password.
- You can input your user id and password after login.
- First, you have to choose Uttar Pradesh shops and commercial establishment Act 1962 in “select act” ,then press on registration.
- After that, you have to read all instructions and then tap on the I agree button.
- Now you can fill the form carefully and make the payment before final submission of the application form through net banking.
- After that, the registration certificate will be completed successfully.
- Finally, you need to place on the print certificate and get the registration certificate automatically.
यूपी निवेश मित्र ऑनलाइन पंजीकरण
Process to view application status
- First of all, you have to go to the official website of Uttar Pradesh Bhavan and other construction workers welfare board .
- Now the home page will open in front of you.
- On the home page, you have to click on the option of schemes.
- After this, you have to click on the option of Scheme Application Status .
- Now a new page will open in front of you.
- You have to enter your plan application number and registration number on this page.
- Now you have to click on submit option.
- The status of the application will be on your computer screen.
Procedure for verifying registration number
- First of all, you have to go to the official website of the Labor Department .
- Now the home page will open in front of you.
- On the home page, you have to click on the tab of What’s New.
- Now you have to click on the link for the verification registration number .
- After this, you have to click on the link for click here to verify registration number .
- Now a new page will open in front of you, in which you will have to select the act and enter the registration number.
- After that you have to click on submit button.
- In this way you will be able to verify the registration number.
Registration renewal process
- First of all, you have to go to the official website of Uttar Pradesh Building and other construction workers welfare board .
- Now the home page will open in front of you.
- On the home page, you have to click on the option of labor renewal application .
- Now a new page will open in front of you in which you will have to enter your registration number.
- After that you have to click on the search option.
- Now the renewal form will open in front of you.
- You have to enter all the important information asked in this renewal form.
- After that you will have to upload all the important documents.
- Now you have to click on submit option.
- In this way you will be able to renew your registration.
Procedure for viewing the list of schemes available for workers
- First of all, you have to go to the official website of Uttar Pradesh Building and other construction workers welfare board .
- Now the home page will open in front of you.
- On the home page, you have to click on the option of schemes.
- After that you have to click on the option of All Schemes .
- As soon as you click on this option, a list of all the schemes will open in front of you.
Procedure for viewing the beneficiary list
- First of all, you have to go to the official website of Uttar Pradesh Building and other construction workers welfare board .
- Now the home page will open in front of you.
- After that you have to click on the tab of the schemes.
- Now you have to click on the option of List of Labor’s Benefit from Scheme .
- After this, you have to select the district and plan.
- Now you have to click on submit option.
- The beneficiary list will be on your computer screen.
Departmental Login Procedure
- First of all, you have to go to the official website of Uttar Pradesh Building and other construction workers welfare board .
- Now the home page will open in front of you.
- On the home page, you have to click on the option of departmental login .
- After this, a new page will open in front of you.
- On this page you have to select the type of user.
- Now you have to enter user-id and password.
- After this, you have to click on the option to login.
- In this way you will be able to login departmentally.
Inquiry process
- First of all, you have to go to the official website of Uttar Pradesh Building and other construction workers welfare board .
- Now the home page will open in front of you.
- On the home page, you have to click on the option to contact.
- After that you have to click on the option of inquiry .
- Now a new page will open in front of you.
- You have to enter your name, phone number, email ID, address etc. on this page.
- After this, you have to click on the option to submit.
- This way you will be able to inquire.
Government order download process
- First of all, you have to go to the official website of Uttar Pradesh Bhavan and other construction workers welfare board .
- Now the home page will open in front of you.
- On the home page, you have to click on the tab of the e-citizen.
- Now you have to click on the option of government order .
- As you click on this option, all the government orders will open in front of you.
- You have to click on the link as per your requirement.
- After this, the government order you have marked will open on your screen in PDF format.
- Now you have to click on the download option.
- In this way you will be able to download the government order.
How to file a complaint
- First of all, you have to go to the official website of UP Labor. After visiting the official website, the home page will open in front of you.
- On this home page you will see the option of Grevens . You have to click on this option. After clicking on the option, the next page will open in front of you.
- After this, on this page you will see the option of Add New Greaves . You must click on this link. After clicking on the link, the front page will open in front of you.
- On this page, you will see a form to file a complaint, you will have to fill all the information asked in this form like complaint, complaint type, name, gender, email id, mobile number, district address, complaint complaint etc.
- After filling all the information you have to click on the submit button. In this way, you will get a complaint.
Procedure for checking grievance status
- First of all, you have to go to the official website of the Labor Department .
- Now the home page will open in front of you.
- On the home page you have to click on the tab of Grevens .
- After this, a new page will open in front of you, in which you will have to enter your Grevens number.
- Now you have to click on the Go button.
- Greven’s status will be on your computer screen.
Feedback process
- First of all, you have to go to the official website of the Labor Department .
- Now the home page will open in front of you.
- On the home page, you have to click on the link for feedback .
- Now the feedback form will open in front of you.
- You have to enter all the information asked in this feedback form such as your name, email ID, address, mobile number etc.
- After that you have to click on submit button.
- In this way you will be able to enter feedback.
Mirror dashboard viewing process
- First of all, you have to go to the official website of the Labor Department .
- Now the home page will open in front of you.
- On the home page you have to click on the link of the mirror dashboard .
- Now you have to click on the link for the click here to mirror dashboard .
- As soon as you click on this link, you will have a dashboard in front of you.
Inspection Dashboard Viewing Process
- You will need to visit the official website of the Labor Department .
- Now the home page will open in front of you.
- On the home page you have to click on the link for the inspection dashboard .
- After that you have to click on the link of Click Here to Inspection Dashboard .
- As soon as you click on this link, you will have an inspection dashboard in front of you.
Contact us
- First of all, you have to go to the official website of UP Labor. After visiting the official website, the home page will open in front of you.
- On this home page, you will see the option of contact us , you have to click on this option.
- After clicking on the option, the complete details of the contact will open in front of you on the next page.
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I get the benefit of the schemes which was launched for the labourer by the Uttar Pradesh Government?
To eligible for the schemes, you need to first register on the labour department portal and need to get your labour card and after registering successfully you can apply any of the schemes which are available under this labour card.
Where can I register for the UP majdur card?
To register for the labour card you need to visit the Uttar Pradesh labour department website and register there by submitting some of your details. To get more detail on this you need to read the article given and can apply from the direct link given on this page.