The government of Telangana has launched an internet portal named Telangana Dharani Portal.This portal aims to create the state’s revenue services out there on-line to the voters of the country.Through this on-line portal, the voters will avail of the revenue services Mutation, Land Conversion,and Registration Services, etc.Moreover, the state voters apply for the TS Dharai Portal services by registering on the official portal.
In this article, we have a tendency to illustrate to you concerning the Telangana Dharani Portal,options ad advantages of the Portal, Services List, and also the on-line procedure to use on the portal.In this article, we have provided detailed information about the DHARANI Telangana Signup Process and the list of Online services offered by the DHARANI to the Telangana State citizens. So, Beneficiaries who need to look for Land Records as well as download the New Passbook must follow the instruction and steps and view the details.