pmkvy online registration:pmkvy registration online 2022:pmkvy registration online 2022 last date:pmkvy 3.0 latest news
As per the records of survey, India is home to the largest number of youth in the world which makes it the youngest country in the world.Over 6.2 % of Indian youth is unemployed which is not good for an economy that has been improving at a rate of 12% for the last five years.The ministry of skill development and entrepreneurship launched a new scheme named Pradhan mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana.
Pradhan Mantri Kishan Vikas Yojana is a skill training scheme that was started with industry related skills for about 10 million youth between 2016-2022.The government has enrolled candidates, you don&t have to pay anything.National skill development corporation is responsible for the implementation of the Pradhan mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana. NSDC is offering training programs affiliated to the central or state government.