Chief Minister of Odisha has launched a new scheme named Mukhya karma tatpara Abhiyan Yojana. It is known as Mukta scheme and the purpose of the scheme is to create employment for an unorganized labour of Odisha.The state concerned authorities have emphasized the unemployed individuals in the state through the scheme.The Odisha state government has taken a new initiative named Mukhyamantri karma tatpara Abhiyan Yojana.On the other hand, the state beneficiaries will get in Tangled in storm drainage rainwater harvesting inexperienced coal and elevated sanitation.An eligible candidate can visit the official website of Orissa Coimbatore for vision and can apply for the scheme.
The main purpose of the Mukhymantri karma tatpara Abhiyan Yojana is to gain the objective of sustainable livelihood opportunities for around 4.5 lakh urban poor families.The scheme objective is to build on the relative success of the urban wage employment. Almost 114 urban local bodies will get help from this initiative.On the other hand, around rupees 100 crore have been allocated for the urban local bodies in the state so that the concerned departments are delivering temporary employment to the urban poor.