At the end of the month employees will get their rightful share of salary. The salary will be deducted like that& insurance and loan cards if you owe the organisation.The entire amount is called the net salary. A continuous process that happens every month.on the other hand employees will learn about their salary pay slips what they get and deductions created.French organisations one can seek slips from the HR offices. The process is tiring if the documents are lost or stolen.To reduce the stress,the Punjab State government has initiated a new website named HRMS punjab for employees.
IHRMS is the abbreviation of integrated human resource management system. It is the new application online software for Punjab employees where they can launch their complaints, check their salary slips ,tax deductions, insurances, etc.For getting access to the website, you have to login by using a password and username.Today in this article ,we will share with you about the services of this portal to the employees.Punjab State Government is focusing on the services that will be provided to the employees.